Indeed -

Indeed is a globally renowned job search and recruitment website, offering services such as job search and resume submission.

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Founded in 2004, Indeed is a leading global job search and recruitment platform aimed at helping job seekers find their ideal jobs while assisting companies in hiring suitable employees. The website covers multiple countries and regions, offering various language versions, serving as an important bridge between job seekers and employers.

Job Search Functionality

Indeed provides powerful job search functionality, allowing users to search by keywords, location, company name, and more. Search results are sorted based on user preferences to ensure that users can quickly find suitable positions.

Resume Management and Submission

Users can create and manage their resumes on Indeed and submit them directly to their desired companies through the website. Additionally, Indeed offers resume optimization suggestions to help users improve the quality of their resumes and increase their chances of securing interviews.

Company Reviews and Salary Information

Indeed collects a large amount of company reviews and salary information, allowing job seekers to view evaluations and salary levels from other employees, thus better understanding company culture and compensation. This information is very helpful for job seekers to make informed decisions.

Personalized Recommendations

Based on users' search history and resume information, Indeed provides personalized job recommendations. These recommended positions are more aligned with users' career interests and development directions, helping to improve job search efficiency.

Mobile Applications

Indeed offers mobile applications for both iOS and Android, enabling users to search for jobs and submit resumes using their smartphones or tablets anytime, anywhere, making it convenient and fast.